Monday, July 2, 2007

CBT Song

I fear I may have missed the deadline for the Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Userwatch competition for the most truthful poem, since the winner's already been announced. Oh well, I thought they might accept a late entry, which is, as usual, my bastardisation of someone else's carefully arranged outrage:

CBT Song (with apologies to Eric Idle)

Fuck you very much for CBT
Fuck you very much for reminding me
That the way I feel has no relation to what's real
And that no one really cares what happened to me
So fuck you very much for CBT
For trivialising and reducing me
To an emotional bureaucrat in my crisis management hat
I shouldn't say shouldn't, and even ought at that
I should make my bed and comb my hair in my railroad flat
So fuck you all so very much

Below is the original 'FCC Song' as performed by Eric Idle, and the complete lyrics can be found here. I'd welcome some additional verses and if someone who can sing and play the guitar (in other words, not me) feels like recording it and uploading it onto YouTube, that would be way cool. (But remember, it's just a feeling.)


PatientGuard said...

Ruth I think there is an award waiting for you on UserWatch....


Anonymous said...


May I, pretty please and with a link and proper attribution, display this in a special entry in Roses On the Moon?

*makes worshippy gestures*

Ruth said...

Sure. You may get off the floor now.

Seriously, it needs more lines. Something about the irony of Stoic philosophers trying to kill themselves, or the half-arsed distinction it makes between thought and feeling.

Anonymous said...

I love it!

PatientGuard said...

Wasn't there one about being a "Lumbercog"


"I'm a lumbercog oh yes I am
I eat thera-pee
And cognitive jam .

I go the waaaaaaard in my pinky pants
Cognize my anger
And smash the plants "

Maybe not - this is probably my post python blues with paramnesia or is that dead-parrotamnesia ?


PatientGuard said...

Ruth , Dolly Fury , a New South Wales Artist let me link across a fantastic little video from her site on IMEEM.

Its wonderful and reminds me of being a kid in the school hall dancing about in jiggery jaggery forms so that your eternal child goes laughing in the stars ....

Take a look on UserWatch and maybe you too will want to show off some DBT Dance Behavioural Therapy on your Blog ..

Warm Regards
